Thursday, January 3, 2008

24 Colors of "Kelu"

Long ago, our ancestors settled in a small town. That is how the early name of Kluang (Keluang) come to be, meaning Bat. With the passing of time, our habitat shrunk and food become scare, impelling us to explore beyond for food. Meanwhile, the remaining young and old bats untiring maintain and protect our hometown, waiting for their family kin to return from foraging.

"Kelu" is a of the exemplar of the Kluang spirit. Thought most youngster of Kluang pursue better work competence in other towns, their hearts are still where their home is...with warm reunion during festive traditions. Kelu not only demonstrates the life of Kluang residents but also their love for this city, stirred from the Bat DNA in our blood.

曾經, 眾人的同伴們在一個小鎮定居,以致於這鎮上的人們以我們來命名這個小鎮。這也是居鑾(Keluang蝙蝠城) 早期名字的由來。事件變遷, 居住環境受到侵蝕食物減少了,族人不得不到其他地方覓食。

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