Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We are having an exhibition of Fabric and Fiber (paper) at end of this year and would like to invite designers to participate on the paper toy skin design.

This is a collaboration project we work with a designer from Taiwan who created the Love Bear. The Boxy Bat and the Love Bear will be exhibited at Fab-fibe Show 2009.

Why Fab-fibe Show?

An exhibition on the multi-possibilities of fabric and paper.

Fab is a short form of fabric but also a slang for fabulous. Fibe is short form of fiber for paper, but it sounds like vibe. So in a round-about way it's like Fabulous Vibes.

Date: 18 - 20 December 2009
Venue: Sculpture Square

Register Form

For more information or you are interested to participate please email to: nana.roomism@gmail.com

布好玩,纸好看2009 - 纸玩创意招收设计. 

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